Responsible Flying
On Wednesday, 1st
December, a United Airlines flight 737 MAX8 with more than 100 passengers took
off from Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport to Washington DC. What was
remarkable about this flight was that it used 500 gallons of Sustainable
Aviation Fuel (SAF) in one of its two engines. The other engine used the same
amount of conventional jet fuel to establish that there are no operational
differences between the two fuels. Currently airlines are allowed to carry only
a maximum of 50% SAF. United Airlines will go down in history as the first
commercial carrier to operate a full passenger flight using 100% sustainable
SAF is made from
renewable biomass and waste resources. It has properties that are similar to
conventional jet fuel, but a significantly smaller carbon footprint. Depending
on the feedstock used, the reduction in GHG emissions from use of SAF can be as
much as 80% compared to traditional jet fuel. Typical feedstocks for SAF are cooking
oil, animal waste fat, agricultural residues, municipal solid wastes and animal
manure. Other potential sources are forestry waste such as waste wood and fast
growing crops and algae.
In order to
maintain the same level of engine performance, SAF should have an identical
molecular composition as that of traditional jet fuel, which is made up of
n-alkanes, iso-alkanes, cycloalkanes and aromatics. The emission profile of an
engine operating on SAF would thus be same as that with conventional fuel. However,
SAF is almost carbon-neutral over its lifecycle because it is derived from
renewable feedstocks.
SAF can be
produced in many ways, which are broadly classified under two heads – thermochemical
process and biochemical process. A typical thermochemical process is the well-known
Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, in which carbon-rich biomass is gasified to produce
syngas which is then catalytically converted to liquid fuel. The requirement of
high pressure and temperature together with the need for a catalyst makes this
an expensive process. Another thermochemical process is pyrolysis, in which the
biomass is heated up to 600 degrees C in the absence of oxygen to yield among
other things pyrolysis oil. Pyrolysis oil is converted to jet fuel by
hydrotreating to eliminate the oxygenated molecules which are detrimental for
the fuel. In a typical biochemical route for SAF, alcohols are produced first
by fermentation of biomass which are subsequently converted into long-chain
hydrocarbons that have similar properties as jet fuel. In another biochemical
pathway, sugars are directly transformed to hydrocarbons without the alcohol
Presently, ASTM
has certified eight processes for producing SAF of acceptable quality. However,
only the HEFA (Hydrogenated Esters and Fatty Acids) process has been
successfully commercialised as of now and accounts for almost 95% of SAF
production. In the HEFA process, waste oils and fats are hydrogenated and then
isomerised to yield long-chain hydrocarbons, which are then selectively cracked
to produce aviation fuel. The production of SAF is currently not economically
favourable. However, SAF is becoming increasingly imperative if the aviation
industry has to meet its 2050 target of cutting down emissions by 50%. In USA,
the department of energy is working with the department of agriculture and
other agencies to develop a strategy for scaling up technologies to produce SAF
on a commercial scale.
Labels: Aviation, Carbon Footprint, Feedstock for Fuel, Fuel from Waste, GHG emission, SAF, Sustainable, Sustainable Aviation