Project Update - Site Visit
Visited site yesterday for
the PRM. Met the engineers of the Owner
and PMC for the first time. Also met the
RCM. RCM is very knowledgeable and has experience of constructing a similar
plant. This will be an important success factor.
Soil investigation agency
has been appointed. Bore-hole locations have been identified. They have
obtained the cold work permit to commence their job.
Studied the site: the lay of
the land, the contours, the low point (drain), the perimeter roads, the
encumbrances. Dismantling of the 3 existing tanks has already begun. 15-20
coconut trees will have to be cut to clear the site.
There is a cable tray
passing through the site. It has to be relocated by burying the cables. Burying
the cables will result in their derating.
Biggest concern right now is
how to barricade the site to safeguard the live storage across the road. Tender
specifies 15 m high barricade. Because of the costal location, design wind
speed is high (180 kmph). Tall barricade will hence need a wide footing which
will eat into the road. The road is very vital for construction access. RCM has
come out with an innovative proposal of constructing the barricade in 2 stages,
using the retaining wall of the mound for supporting the barricade. Will this
proposal be accepted?